About Us ❊ Kayo Anime Clothing and Animashion



handcrafted WITH LOVE in Bali


Born and raised in Japan, Kayo, as a little girl, always dreamed of one day becoming just like the heroes and heroines of her favorite anime series. Everyone probably has experienced such desire of becoming somebody else or a different version of themselves. Every girl at one point dreams of becoming as powerful and cool or gorgeous and smart like those heroines in her favorite cartoon shows. 

Anime and cartoons are depiction of a world that is not real, and this world of non-reality is only step away from reality. We hold unlimited potential, and nothing is impossible in a sense. We can make anything possible. We can even make non-reality into reality. Kayo wants to make her fashion into a bride between reality and non–reality. 

By combining the non-reality of anime with the reality of street fashion, KAYO transforms the wearers into different characters, characters that they create within themselves (one of their alter-egos so to speak), bringing out the different part of them with what they wear each day. The world is interested and intrigued by the possibilities of interactions and collaboration between mediums that are entirely different and otherwise unrelated. The integration of anime and fashion is only the beginning of the endless possibilities. 

KAYO wants to always intrigue and surprise by finding in the audience the yet different aspect of self, as you gain new experiences and keep changing because Kayo believes that fashion is an expression and representation of different faces we contain within ourselves.


Kayo is a San Francisco based fashion designer from Japan. Designs are all original. 

I design, pick fabric, often make patterns and first sample then bring to factory or workers. All my productions are handcrafted by my beloved tailors in Bali, where my heart lives. I love the culture and people there. Focusing on making fun, comfortable unique clothing for men and women. My customers are performers, fire dancers, singers, belly dancers, or someone who just appreciate hand-made, small production unique designs. All products are ethically crafted in a positive family-oriented environment. Anyone supporting Kayo Anime products can feel good about how they are made and where they come from.

I was introduced to my tailor, Made, when I first visited Bali 7 years ago. When I first met Made, he taught me all about Bali and Balinese cultures. He took me all around and found me a sewing machine as well as any kind of sewing supplies I needed. When I showed him my designs, he loved it! We worked together often in his home work shop that he built in one the rooms of his house. He has about 5 sewing machines, cutting table, and a pattern shelve in his home workshop. He let me use his machines to make, fix, and cut samples from his left over fabrics. I really liked his hospitality and work ethic and that is why I choose to work with him.

My detailed design is done by his family, and I have become close with them through this training process. His aunt, nephew, and son are now trained to do all the small grommets, studs, strings, metal beads, and chains. They even use an extremely small needle to make each tiny hole for the grommets and press each one by hand. The work environment is family orientated, warm and inviting. I often sit and work with them, as we all talk and laugh. But of course, they do much better job than I do now!

Because of his help, I am now able to run a production to have enough stock to sell wholesale. I treasure our friendship as well as our business relationship.

I choose to work with my tailors in Bali because they are especially good with small detail craftsmanship. My work is extremely detail orientated using macrame, strings, small grommets, pleats, and cut outs. The Balinese are well known their for creativity and intense attention to detail. Making my first macrame sample by hand, I was able to train one of my workers how to tie the macrame knots. Now all the tailors making macrame for Kayo Anime have been trained by that first worker that I trained! 

The small stud detail on many of my garments also requires very special skills. It is very time consuming, working with very small needles and hardware to create the desired effect. Kayo Anime hardware are original pieces as well, as each one has been drawn, carved in wax and casted to create a unique signature look. I test wear all new designs to ensure the fabric feels comfortable, is durable and will stand the test of time.

Made and his family have an amazing work ethic and environment with intense creativity and attention to detail. My goal is to have more and more people to wear my clothing, looking and feeling happy and beautiful. Bring good vibes to everywhere and everyone.